Losing Ingrid

I'm not waiting for her anymore. BIG BIG problems with the paperwork that have marred this case almost from the beginning. I'm now trying to deal with the reality that Ingrid will never be my daughter.

Monday, April 09, 2007

OK, I did it

I finally did it. I took the easy way out and just uploaded pictures and music and let the site to all the editing stuff.

I actually started TWO montages at two different points in time. The first I started last summer, after I asked for a new referral but the agency conveniently didn't understand that I meant I wanted a new referral. And the other is more or less the same as this one, except I tried to upload some video (couldn't figure out how to do it) and I did the transition and captions and all that stuff by hand. Got cumbersome, it's VERY exhausting reliving those moments again and again trying to get split-second timing for the captions. So, this will have to do.

And in case anyone needs some warning, like you just stumbled on this blog and you're all ready to watch some happy pictures, they ARE happy pictures. It's just the OUTCOME that sucks.


  • At 11:29 PM, Blogger HollyGee said…

    Stacy, I can't even imagine the pain you must feel when you look at those pictures. I'm so sorry that your agency lied to you and cheated you out of this wonderful child, who will always be your daughter in your heart.

  • At 8:38 AM, Blogger Julie said…

    I think Holly said it better than I ever could. Ingrid is SO beautiful!

  • At 3:58 PM, Blogger Suzanne said…

    Yes, ditto Holly. I had to toughen myself up a little before I watched it....I knew it would be bittersweet. She's a precious little girl, and it's a terrible shame what happened.


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