Losing Ingrid

I'm not waiting for her anymore. BIG BIG problems with the paperwork that have marred this case almost from the beginning. I'm now trying to deal with the reality that Ingrid will never be my daughter.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Out of the blue

I had another Ingrid dream last night. Sad. In the dream, I had received a "new" video of her, with her foster family. I was all excited, thinking if she were back with her foster family and the agency had sent me this video, then I could buy presents for her. So I rushed to the store, intending on buying presents for her but somehow wound up in the furniture part of the store (I shop in high-class places if I can buy the clothes and the furniture in the same store). And as I'm walking around, picking out things I knew she would like, I realized the video couldn't be new because of who was in the video. In my dream I got SO SAD figuring out that it wasn't new, it was old, that she's not with the foster family, that she really IS back with her bfamily. And then I woke up and remembered that I can't adopt her.


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